Hello boys and girls......we're baaaaaack! Back home in our own little RV at Lake Mead. And we're glad to be back. As much as we enjoy seeing our family and friends back in Florida, our RV is our home. And being gone for almost 5 weeks reinforces how much we enjoy our RV and our RV lifestyle.
Our trip to Florida was fantastic. We drove our car from Vegas to Joan's brother's house in Alabama in 2 days; where we spent 2 nights before stopping over in Atlanta to see Tristyn (and her mom & dad). Why is it that every grandparents' grandchild is the prettiest/most handsome grandchild ever? And when they are about 3 years old they turn into the smartest child in the world! It's amazing how that works.

After a couple of days we stopped over at my sister's house in Snellville for a night before we continued our travels into central Florida and set up 'moochliving' with our friends Jim & Debbie. I don't know how they stand us for that long, but we're grateful they do. This is the 2nd time we've stayed with them during our Christmas holiday vacation in Florida. Jim & Debbie still have a couple of years yet before they can go 'fulltime', but we're doing everything in our power to convince them they should start as soon as possible. We keep tempting them with pictures and stories of our adventures as well as inviting them to come visit us while we're on the road. Hurry up guys....we miss you already!
Merry Christmas
Ryan, Emily & Bradley |
While we were in Florida we spent lots of time with our families, attending multiple Christmas parties. We also traveled back and forth across Florida to see friends in person that we've kept in touch with while on the road with via Skype, Facebook, email and cell. Our friends Dave and Lydia found out on Christmas eve that they are going to be grandparents for the first time (subsequent testing determined their daughter is having twins!); my cousin Terri and her husband Joe will become empty nesters as both their children are now engaged and planning weddings; we caught up with
Workin' RVers Rudee and Phil as they arrived in Florida the day before we left to return to Vegas;
Happy Birthday Mom! |
We celebrated my mom's 77th birthday by taking her to the Cotillion Southern Cafe in Wildwood (if you haven't been there, you may want to try it!); Joan's girlfriend Terri from Seattle flew into Florida to spend Christmas with Joan and her family; I got to play golf twice (twice as many times as I played during the entire year); and I even got to play in my first 60+ softball tournament with my old team the Cardiac Kids; we took Joan's grandkids fishing on my parent's lake;
Joan, Will & I...Semper Fi! |
We attended a party for Joan's nephew William who has joined the Marine Corp Reserve and reported for training Jan 6....can you say Hello Paris Island!; we met our friends Tom & Rita who informed us they are retiring and moving to Texas this summer (now we'll have a stopover point in the middle of the country!); and more and more and more.....whew! enough! Time to head home.
Go Noles! 2013 National Champs |
We packed up the car and headed out, stopping in Atlanta once more to visit with Tristyn and watch the BCS National Championship game between Florida State and Auburn. Tristyn and her mom & dad are hardcore Seminole fans which is plain to see in her first pic.
Who Did That?! |
I'm sure you already know who won that game but I bet you didnt' know some behind the scenes recruiting was going on by some devious person with a blue knit Florida Gator stocking cap! I'm not sure if a certain 'new' Nana.....er forget I said that.....if a certain grandmother will be allowed to hold Tristyn for the foreseeable future. Only time will tell.
Larry looks real good for 75! |
We took a little more time driving back to Boulder City, stopping in Monroe, Louisiana for gas and Cracker Barrel only to get turned around and end up driving by the Duck Dynasty warehouse! Didn't see any of the family or get invited in, but it looks the same as on TV. We stopped in Buckeye, Arizona to see our friends Larry and Jean; and Mel (all friends we met and worked with in Oregon in 2012). Larry even invited me to play in a 'pick up' softball game with his fellow league members.
While there we met Jerry and Kim of
CR8TING THE LIFE who we've followed on their blog. We traveled on to Yuma and caught up with Don, Donna, Jerry and Phyllis, also friends we met in Oregon. Then it was a short drive back to Boulder City and home.
We arrived on Saturday, got everything set up and reported to work on Monday. On Wednesday we were invited to participate in the Eagle/Raptor Count on Lake Mead. Joan and I loaded up on boats early Wednesday morning and headed out to our assigned 'section' of Lake Mead with our pilot Tom, Recorder Vanessa and Chief Observer Christy where we spent 9 hours and traveled 80+ miles documenting all eagles and raptors observed. I'm not sure how many people or boats total were involved, but our group alone documented 16 eagles.
Tom, Christy, Vanessa |
Well, that's it for now. Stay Tuned. More to Come.